- citibikerides - Visualization of citibike traffic in NYC over a week.
- loomp3r - Tool to loop over audio tracks, e.g. for iterating over songs.
- ticketloob - Mobile app to compare ticket prices across ticket sites
- ticketmixer - Web app to compare ticket prices across ticket sites
- twimmage - Mobile app to create images from tweets for sharing on other social networks.
- toooodoooos - Yet another TODO list
- bookmarklets - Collection of bookmarklets.
- adventofcodediff2021 - Advent of code 2021 solutions for some members of a private leaderboard.
- ida - Animation of power coming back around New Orleans following Hurricane Ida.
- gasenate - Real time tracking for the Georgia Senate run-off in 2020.
- fourlongyearsisalmostover - Real-time tracking the last four states in the 2020 US Presidential election.
- timer - A really simple timer, e.g. for meetings.
- wordpath - A stupid word game (source).
- seats - A look at ticket prices across time and ticket sites for a Knick game
- opentable - Data collected from opentable.
- food cover game - A addicting internet website food game.
- ighar - Extract IG story videos from a HAR file.